Welcome to ESESCommunities.org - the online community benefits portal matching communities and good causes with suppliers and business in the ESES City Region Deal area.

The Edinburgh & South East Scotland City Region Deal (ESES CRD) is a £1.4 billion Scottish and UK Government investment to accelerate growth, create new economic opportunities and meaningful new jobs that will help to reduce inequalities. Visit About to find out more.



Funded by the Deal, this website allows community groups and good causes to submit requests for “Community Benefits”.

Community Benefits are the method by which local communities and good causes are encouraged to receive additional social value from the supply chain of businesses delivering publicly funded contracts and developments.

Local charities, community groups and good causes can find out more and submit specific community benefit requests by visiting our For Communities page. 

Support is also available to both City Region Deal suppliers and all other businesses within the region to deliver community benefits and undertake positive actions within the communities they serve. Visit our For Business page to find out more. 



Community benefits play an important role in the wider sphere of Community Wealth Building. 


Below is a map and alternate list of community benefit requests, offers from business and information pertaining to ESES CRD projects in your area:


The following video also provides more information: